Our House Plan Packages

All house plan packages from Direct from the Designers™ include detailed construction blueprints, dimensioned floor plans, basic electric layouts, structural information, cross sections, and roof plans, as well as general specifications. They contain virtually all of the information you will need to construct your new home.

Please note that not all packages are available on every house plan. Here's a list of the house plan packages available from Direct from the Designers™:

Bid Set

A PDFs NOW!™ bid set is sent via email immediately and is stamped "not for construction." You can use this option to review the blueprint to make sure your design selection is realistic for your needs and budget before proceeding with the full package purchase. The cost of the bid set will be substracted from the cost of the full construction package when you buy.

PDF Digital Plans - Single Use

A single use PDF digital plan set allows you to make as many hard copies as you need to build the house once. This choice is exceptionally convenient because PDFs NOW!™ plans are sent immediately to your email after purchase. They have all the same information as printed sets; the real benefit to using a PDF file is that it allows you to easily and quickly email sub-contractors for bidding purposes, financial institutions to apply for loans, etc. PDF house plan packages are chosen most often by our customers. If you intend to modify the plan, we recommend using a CAD file, because changes can't easily be made to a PDF. Note that this package requires a PDF license agreement between you and the designer, and that all electronic plans are non-refundable.

Five Set Package

This is the minimum printed house plan package. In some localities, building jurisdictions and lenders do not require multiple copies of plans, so a five set plan package may suffice. However, our eight set package is a better value, especially if you end up needing additional sets. Remember, printed blueprints cannot be copied, so you must purchase as many as you need.

Eight Set Package

This is a popular printed plan package, because it usually provides enough copies for permits, lenders, and subcontractors.

Vellums - Single Use

A vellum is a single sheet of durable, translucent paper that is erasable and reproducible, so it is easy to make changes to the blueprint. Included in this package is a license agreement that grants permission to make revisions to and copies of the revised design, as necessary for construction. The single use license allows for the construction of one house ONLY. Please note that most residential architects and contractors prefer to modify in CAD files than on vellums these days, so be sure to confirm that this is the right package for your needs.

CAD File - Single Use

A CAD file is a reproducible that comes in an electronic version. Just like the vellums, it requires a license agreement between you and the designer. CAD files are ideal when you plan to make major modifications to the design or if you need engineering to meet local codes. Due to the electronic nature of this package, CADs are non-refundable.

Plan Foundation Options:

You must choose a foundation to go with your house plan. If you are unsure which to select, ask your builder or a local contractor. Your location and soil conditions will dictate the best choice.


A joisted crawlspace foundation system is provided in the form of an alternative foundation sheet depicting a wood joisted floor system on the lowest floor.


A slab foundation system is provided in the form of an alternative foundation sheet, added to the plans. This sheet will depict a poured concrete slab floor system on the lowest floor.


A full in-ground basement design provides details for either poured concrete or concrete masonry walls. Please note that, in some cases, the design layout, and/or square footage may be adjusted slightly, as necessary to accommodate interior stairs into the basement area. This is particularly the case, for example, with one level designs, which do not already incorporate a stairway into the design.

Post & Beam

A post and beam foundation system is provided in the form of a foundation sheet depicting a wood floor system consisting of post and girders with 2x6 tongue and groove subfloor decking.

Special Plan Package Options:

There are a number of other options available on our plans! These are just a few—please don't hesitate to contact us if you can any questions about these or others you find on our plan pages.

ENERGY STAR® Plan Packages

In addition to the construction plans, with this package you will receive detailed drawings, wall and roof insulation info, glazing specifications, and information on cooling calculations for your specific area plus information on getting your home built and certified to ENERGY STAR® standards. You must purchase construction plans as well from the list above. This package is not exchangeable or refundable under any circumstances. Allow one week for completion of your customized package.

Additional Sets

A maximum of four additional sets may be added to your five or eight set plan package at the time you place your order. Between planning and building departments, lending institutions and neighborhood architectural review boards, extra sets may be necessary to provide enough sets for bids and construction.

Full Reverse Sets

Reverse sets are mirror images of the design. With "Full Reverse" plans, the layout is mirrored and all of the text and dimensions have been adjusted to read normally.

Materials List

This provides detailed information regarding quantity and sizes of materials necessary for the construction of the design. Although we strongly advise that the builder review and adjust the materials specifications prior to construction, the materials list offers a convenient way to make a rough determination of the costs of materials involved. NOTE: construction practices vary widely and the materials list should not be used as a shopping list, just as an initial guideline.

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