Designer's Plan Information


Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0"

Cover Sheet -
Company info, front elevation, sheet index

Elevations -
Typically 1/4" scale (handful of large plans at 3/16"). Materials, floor heights, roof slopes, and other important information noted (varies from plan to plan).

Foundation Plan -
Typical footing details, dimensions, and notes. Some plans include structural and framing notes only (others only include beam locations labeled 'beam per engineer').

Dimensioned Floor Plans -
Dimensions, notes, room labels, ceiling heights, beam locations and/or sizes where applicable.

Framing Details -
Will vary from plan to plan - wall section, dormer section, misc. roof framing details, etc.

Roof Plan -
Roof pitches and framing details

Cross Section -
Typically 1 cross-section is included showing ceiling heights, notes regarding ceilings, 2x4 or 2x6, etc.

Electrical Layout -
Electrical symbols indicate the location of plugs, lights, fans, TV/data jacks, etc. Wiring/switching is not typically depicted.

Cabinet Elevations -
Most plans will have a suggested cabinet layout/design, but is NOT typical on all house plans.

Window and Door Schedule -
Most plans include window and door schedules. Some plans will call out the sizes on the plan itself. This will vary.

IRC Details - 5 sheets of 2018 IRC sheets are currently included.

CAD Software: AutoCAD Architecture 2022

These items are NOT included and can be handled locally if required:

  • Architectural or Engineering Stamp
  • Site Plan
  • HVAC or Mechanical Drawings
  • Plumbing Drawings
  • Energy Calculations
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