Designer's Plan Information


Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0"

Elevations -
Exterior views from all four directions that include dimensions. Height dimensions including the finished floor to the highest point of the structure are also included. Includes all special construction notes, finishes, and applicable elements that need extra detail to convey the design intent to construct in the field correctly.

Foundation Plan -
Includes the complete foundation with dimensions, plumbing locations for slabs, and reference details for foundation construction. Also includes any specific construction notes or requirements to ensure proper installation. Does not include Structural Engineering stamp due to regional specifications and requirements per local conditions. Typically, structural requirements can be obtained by a local lumber supplier for little or no cost.

Dimensioned Floor Plans -
Complete with dimensions of wall locations, windows, doors, cabinetry, and special construction elements. Notes including standard and special conditions are tailored with the tradesmen in mind. We strive to give your contractor more dimensions than they need.

Framing and Building Details -
All relevant details including cornice (eave), which are designed directly from each plan "we do not reuse details with each plan." We also include applicable enlarged details which need even more magnification in order to properly explain the design intent. Complete with spans including sizes and direction. Crawlspace and basement plans include floor joist.

Roof Plan -
Complete with overhang dimensions and plate heights to remove any question of how the roof is properly constructed. Also includes roof pitches, notes for special conditions, and roof square footage to help with estimating roof materials and reducing job site waste.

Cross Section -
Also known as a cut through the entire structure. This explains in further detail how the structure is built and properly braced to ensure a safe home. Our practice also includes complete dimensions, notes, and any required special attention needed.

Electrical Layout -
Complete with the layout and location of lights, switches, and plugs. When we include wall plugs, we go beyond the code standards, which gives you more walls to choose to plug in your appliances.

Cabinet Elevations -
Inside views of the structure, including cabinetry, electrical, and any applicable special construction needs to provide that extra level of detail.

IRC Details - In most cases, the code-related notes, details, and specifications will be compliant to the current IRC code. In cases where the IRC code information is not yet updated, contact the designer for further guidance; an update to the latest code information is often a simple matter.

CAD Software: Archicad

These items are NOT included and can be handled locally if required:

  • Architectural or Engineering Stamp
  • Site Plan
  • HVAC or Mechanical Drawings
  • Plumbing Drawings
  • Energy Calculations
  • Window and Door Schedule
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