Ringing in the New Year with Savings! Use Code: SALE15
Ringing in the New Year with Savings! Use Code: SALE15

Designer's Plan Information


Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0"

Elevations -
Materials are labeled, all relevant heights are shown, and there are roof slope indicators.

Foundation Plan -
Details, vent requirements, necessary structural information, and joist layout.

Dimensioned Floor Plans -
Room labels with sizes and detailed layout of the home.

Framing Details -
We always show the main building section. If there are any tricky or out of the ordinary pieces to the home, we typically show a detail/section for that as well.

Roof Plan -
Typically use trusses when possible. We try to show everything necessary to build the roof, so the customer can provide the truss company our roof plan and they won't have any questions.

Cross Section -
Scale varies depending on cross section. We often will scale up portions that need to be clearly shown.

Electrical Layout -
All electrical components shown.

Window and Door Schedule -
Window and door sizes are called out on floor plans. This is our typical residential procedure given feedback that we have received from contractors and framers who prefer the simplicity of this method.

IRC Details - In most cases, the code-related notes, details, and specifications will be compliant to the current IRC code. In cases where the IRC code information is not yet updated, contact the designer for further guidance; an update to the latest code information is often a simple matter. Structurally, parts of the design are prescriptively designed.

CAD Software: AutoCAD Architecture

These items are NOT included and can be handled locally if required:

  • Architectural or Engineering Stamp
  • Site Plan
  • HVAC or Mechanical Drawings
  • Plumbing Drawings
  • Energy Calculations
  • Cabinet Elevations
Therma Tru Doors For House Plans Online