Celebrating Presidents Day with 20% Off Use Code: PD2025
Celebrating Presidents Day with 20% Off Use Code: PD2025

Designer's Plan Information


Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0"

Elevations -
Exterior materials, building height, wall/header heights, roof slope

Foundation Plan -
Typical wall detail, footing sized, venting

Dimensioned Floor Plans -
Wall, door, window dimensions/locations/sizes, crawl or ceiling access locations, smoke/CO detector locations, appliance locations, room labels/sizes, insulation extent, room ceiling height & vaults, and structure (floor/ceiling joists, beams, columns, etc.)

Framing Details -
Miscellaneous details for specific framing situations, plus additional notes and specifications provided for general code compliance guidance.

Roof Plan -
Roof plan indicates roof slope and all ridge, valley, hip, cricket, and over-frame areas. Rafter sizes/spacing and layout direction provided, as well as purlin and post-down support details, location and lumber size. For trussed roofs, truss layout and girder locations are provided, as well as bearing location and basic uplift strapping. Trussed roof and lateral bracing will need to be handled by engineers licensed in the state where the structure will be constructed.

Cross Section -
Multiple building sections are provided, depicting framing/height transitions, stairways, structure, insulation extent, and other design intentions not obvious from floor plan views.

Electrical Layout -
Electrical symbols indicate the location of plugs, lights, fans, TV/data jacks, etc. Wiring/switching is not typically depicted.

Cabinet Elevations -
Basic cabinet configuration is shown - the general cabinet design intent and dimension information is depicted, which is adequate for initial planning/budgeting. Typically, the builder/owner will use the basic cabinet elevations as a starting point from which to work with their cabinet sub-contractor to develop a more customized solution. Basic cabinet elevations are sometimes required for the construction loan process.

Window and Door Schedule -
Nominal window/door sizes and operation are shown on the floor plans, at the location of each window/door, and also sometimes shown on a schedule. Plans do not depict a particular brand of window but do indicate where safety glazing will be required, and are selected and sized to meet light, venting, and egress code requirements.

IRC Details - In most cases the code-related notes, details and specifications will be compliant to the current IRC code. In cases where the IRC code information is not yet updated, contact the designer for further guidance; an update to the latest code information is often a simple matter. Structurally, parts of the design are prescriptively designed.

CAD Software: AutoCAD; they are typically delivered in AutoCAD r-14 format unless otherwise specified.

These items are NOT included and can be handled locally if required:

  • Architectural or Engineering Stamp
  • Site Plan
  • HVAC or Mechanical Drawings
  • Plumbing Drawings
  • Energy Calculations
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