Designer's Plan Information


Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0"

Elevations -
Exterior materials, floor heights, roof slope, foundation height and wall thickness, and wall bracing notes. Notes regarding house wrap, shingle info, ridge vent, and drawings of specific details as needed.

Foundation Plan -
Beam and columns details, location and size, and floor joists noted (sized and direction) for room above. Rough-in for bath, windows, detail on grade, the thickness of concrete floor and walls, insulation, and dimensions of various spans and angles. Stair location, direction, number of risers, and framing if needed around stairs. Outline of cantilevers above.

Dimensioned Floor Plans -
1/4" scale, window sizes and stock number of suggested window manufacturer, and notes on egress as required. Door sizes and location noted. Dimensions of rooms, hallways, closets, stair locations with number of treads and height and depth of treads. Fireplace notes and location, bath locations and layouts, and ceiling heights. Kitchen layout at 3/8" scale with load bearing walls noted. Headers for garage doors and windows. Room titles, porches and details on sizes, and beams and roof truss information as needed for the floor plan.

Building Details -
Wall sections, floor joists, concrete reinforcing details, and rafters as required.

Roof Plan -
A sheet that shows truss designs at 1/4" scale, a roof plan at 1/8" scale, and specific notes as needed. A section drawn through from foundation to roof at 3/4" scale and detail specifics on foundation reinforcing, footing details, and beam and column details at 3/4" scale. Footing reinforcing and column sizing schedule.

Cross Section -
Foundation to roof with foundation notes, insulation, floor, stud sizing, floor with drywall noted, ceiling heights, and roofing materials at 3/4" scale.

Electrical Layout -
Generic layout showing code complaint plugs, lights, and smoke detectors.

Cabinet Elevations -
Drawings show sizes and cabinet plans, but elevations are to be determined with a kitchen planner that provides cabinets with the latest available designs.

Window and Door Schedule -
Included. Window brand is specified. Rough openings as noted at location of windows and doors, including egress considerations.

IRC Details - In most cases, the code-related notes, details, and specifications will be compliant to the current IRC code. In cases where the IRC code information is not yet updated, contact the designer for further guidance; an update to the latest code information is often a simple matter. Structurally, parts of the design are prescriptively designed.

CAD Software: AutoCAD Architecture

These items are NOT included and can be handled locally if required:

  • Architectural or Engineering Stamp
  • Site Plan
  • HVAC or Mechanical Drawings
  • Plumbing Drawings
  • Energy Calculations
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